Expert Talk with Paolo Sironi
We'd the pleasure of talking to Paolo Sironi, one of the most respected fintech voices worldwide. His book "Banks and Fintechs on Platform Economies" is a perfect read for bank CEOs to help them...
Platform banking: Are banks late to the party?
The platform invasion is calling for a move from traditional, linear, off-the-shelf offering of financial services to an innovative, connected coexistence of different players. This calls for a...
Integrated payables: An imperative for corporate treasurers
Corporate treasurers are always looking at improving efficiency, and one of the key asks from many of them is integrated payables as part of their digital banking. By combining payment instructions...
Wire modernization: It’s time to address the elephant in the room
Wires are the mainstay when it comes to high-value payments, accounting for global movement of trillions of dollars each day. One of the most coveted revenue streams for banks, it is often supported...
Real time treasuries: Banks have an important role
Real-time treasury is the epitome for corporate treasurers. With shifting expectations dictated by alternative payment providers like Venmo and Paypal, what should banks be doing to respond to this...
Panorama: On Embedded Financial Services
We recently had the opportunity to interview a great visionary - Daniel Schutte, Managing Director, Accelerators Programs at the The Venture Center. Finzly was part of The Venture Center’s...