
Webinar: Why is it imperative to adopt real-time payments?

Written by Suja Ramakrishnan | Jun 4, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Booshan Rengachari, Founder and CEO of Finzly  and Allen Young, Vice President Education, Payments First, discuss on the crucial aspects of real-time payments and how to monetize your payments strategy.

Real-time payments have prompted a lot of industry-wide modernization in banks, both in technology and business models. There is an exponential surge in the adoption of real-time payments in banks, irrespective of their size.  

Should banks act now? The US market for real-time payments is expected to grow at a whopping 43% in the period 2020-2025.

Join our webinar to learn where real-time payments are heading and how banks can prepare to the make the most of it.  The webinar covers:

  • Adoption trends for real-time payments
  • Deriving value from real-time payments
  • Understanding the use cases that drive the adoption of real-time payments
  • Planning for your payments transformation program

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